Love for Christ and one another are at the center of every facet of our faith. Serving others is the highest form of that love. That is why we are so active in health, education, development and in spreading the good news of God’s forgiveness and promise of salvation.
How did Jesus show the disciples just how far his love would go? By taking off his outer garment, wrapping a towel around his waist and going from disciple to disciple—washing their feet. The ultimate demonstration of love is to serve. You are invited to discover some of the ways we try to change the world. More than that you are invited to join us and discover how God wants to change the world through you.
As Christians, we are all called to be servant leaders to tell a world immersed in darkness that the ultimate Servant Leader gave all just so He could spend eternity with us. But what does true servant leadership look like? The following article, from the magazine “For God and Country” (Issue 13, Vol 14) produced by the General Conference Chaplaincy department offers a glimpse of what servant leadership might look like!
Listed below are some of the ministries here at the Victory Seventh-day Adventist and predominately at most Seventh-day Adventist Churches, along with brief descriptions of these ministries and a link to additional resources of these ministries.
The Adventurer Club Ministry caters to children in pre-kindergarten to forth grade. Membership is open to boys and girls from the church and community. To some the Adventurer Club may not seem as important as other church programs. However, leading children to Christ is an integral part of the Adventurer program. When children are well grounded in their beliefs at a young age, they are more likely to remain in the church as teens and adults.
As a youth leader, you have the opportunity to prepare teens for the future. Since today’s teens are tomorrow’s church leaders, it is important to involve them in leadership roles right now. Remember, they are not just the church of the future; they are the church of the present. An effective youth ministry reaches out to young people with the good news of Jesus Christ. It uses the full resources of all its members, leaders, and staff to assist youth in reaching their potential as a group and as individuals in their relationships with God, their families, the church, and the world around them.
The Seventh-day Adventist Church has a long history of ministry to single adults. From local church events to conference-sponsored seminars, weekend retreats to talent nights. The scope of ASAM is as broad as the vision and commitment of the leadership team. These endeavors should provide opportunities for encouragement and fellowship among single adults, whether they are never married, divorced, or widowed. The Single adult ministry should provide a safe environment where singles can gather to develop community, find inspiration and support, discuss issues, study God’s word, socialize, and enhance their quality of life. You may focus on social and recreational events or small groups and support ministries. Whichever avenue you take, it should be a reflection of the needs of the single adults in your church and community.
The Ministry coordinates all activities pertaining to children as well as recruits, screen, equip and support children’s leaders to be advocates for children and it liaison with the local conference for the
sharing of information and data.The Children’s Ministries Department seeks to develop the faith of children from birth through age fourteen, leading them into a loving, serving relationship with Jesus and a commitment to the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
The duties of the Church Clerk are similar in Seventh-day Adventist churches, although there may be minor differences. His or her primary responsibilities will include serving as the recording secretary for all church board and church business meetings – keeping complete copies of financial statements, documents, and reports that are a part of the church’s official documents. The Church Clerk is similar to an Administration Assistant and oversees membership records.
The Church Treasurer is the chief financial officer of the church. He or she is responsible for the proper handling of all church monies including tithes, offerings, remittance to vendors and the local conference. The Treasurer is responsible for reconciling bank statements and preparing financial reports for presenting to the Church and Board. The treasurer is involved with planning the church budget, establishing internal controls and funding church ministries.
Welcome to a ministry that has amazing potential for sharing the message of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The Communication Department works towards reaching out to diverse church audiences — both internally and externally — through many avenues of communication. Creating informative and intuitive web sites, updating social media sites, and writing news stories and press releases are some of the ways we share our message. Through its work, the ministry fosters a clearer image of the church, its mission and activities.
The Adventist Community Services (ACS) is a key tool in helping local Adventist congregations become visible within the community and known as an asset to the neighborhood. Through ACS, local Seventh-day Adventist churches can identify and address the needs of their community, neighborhood, or city. The ACS ministry program motivates, trains, equips, and mobilizes church members at a grassroots level. The mission of ACS is very simple: to serve communities in Christ’s name; bringing hope to humanity.
When a person steps into a church for the first time, he or she evaluates the atmosphere. They ask themselves: “Will they accept me? Will it be easy to make friends? Will my spiritual and personal needs be met? Will it be easy to find my way around? Will my family like it here?” The ministry of greeting is perhaps one of the most crucial in the church because it is one of the most visible. It is a ministry vital to the saving work of the church. When you notice unknown guests, introduce yourself first, extend a welcome, and then ask for the visitors’ names. You can invite visitors to sign the guestbook or fill out a registration card, though not all visitors will be comfortable with writing down their personal information. If a visitor does not wish to share their personal information, respect their boundaries. If a visitor does fill out a registration card, turn it over to the pastor or interest coordinator. This is an important source of information for follow-up.
The work of a deacon and deaconess includes greeting and ushering, upkeep of church property, security, assisting with baptisms, communion, and generally caring for the needs of the congregation. Depending on the size congregations they may also be involved with bridal showers, weddings, greeting card ministries, fellowship dinners, baby showers, caring for people who experience illness, and funerals. Churches are expanding the roles of the deacon and deaconess to include using their spiritual gifts in a variety of ways.
The church is a community of people who share the gospel with everybody, and Christ is our example. Disabilities Ministries is designed to educate and sensitize all church members as they reach out to people with disabilities. Out of Jesus’ 35 miracles recorded in the Bible, 27 touched people with disabilities. Jesus gives clear evidence and support for an intentional ministry to those with disabilities. The goal is to share the gospel and empower individuals in all areas of church life so they can evangelize others, inviting them to accept the love and grace of Jesus.
Today you’ll find Adventist schools in nearly 150 countries; with 85,000 teachers, 1.5 million students, 7,500 schools. The Adventist school system is one of the largest Christian educational systems in the world. The Education Ministry exists for the purpose of promoting the cause of Christian education and to specifically support and encourage Adventist Christian Education. The Seventh-day Adventist Church through its education programs proposes to help young people prepare for effective citizenship on this earth and for gratifying citizenship in the earth made new. The education program of the church places the utmost importance on building character and on the spiritual foundation of the lives of our children and young people.
Elders are part of a team that includes the pastor, board of elders, church board, and church officers. This team sees to the overall functions and work of the local church. Elders help provide direction in the vision and implementation of the church’s mission in the community. Additionally, they may be asked to serve on other committees established by the local church. Elders will be called upon to work in numerous areas of church life including the administration and organization of the local church, as well as helping members utilize their spiritual gifts. As an elder, you should have a basic understanding of church leadership and mentoring members to become strong church leaders.
The Ministry is a ministry to relationships: husband and wife, parent and child; as well as strengthening the immediate family bonds and the extended family relationships . Relational dynamics are in view rather than the needs of individuals per se. Primary areas of emphasis include premarital guidance, strengthening marriage, parent education, and family evangelism. The methodologies of the department are education and enrichment. While the target audience is families at home, the ministry is invaluable to the church as the wider family of God. Each and every member of the church is a part of the church family.
Welcome to the finance committee, an important volunteer group within a church. The traditional role of the church finance committee is to act as directed and empowered by the church board to oversee financial operations and to recommend viable long-range fiscal plans. The committee works with the church treasurer to prepare and present an annual church budget proposal, first to the board and then to the entire congregation in business session. The finance committee may also recommend financial policies to the church board.
People everywhere are interested in health, and it is an honor to serve in the health ministries department of your church. This important ministry can make an impact in both your church and community. The health ministries goal is to encourage and assist members and the community to have a deep interest in personal health, health education, and health evangelism. Persons in this ministry o need good organizational skills and the ability to communicate well with both church and community members.
The mission statement of Adventist Men’s Ministries is to: “Galvanize the energy and resources of men for God, family, church, and community.” (The definition of “galvanize” is to stimulate, or to startle into sudden activity.) Men’s Ministries events that are well planned will leave a lasting impression on the men who attend. They will develop a firmer commitment to God, a stronger dedication to their families and a desire to MISSION share their faith with others. Men’s Ministries is more about relationships than programs. One of the best ways to accomplish the objectives of Men’s Ministries is to connect men through small group interaction. Two to seven men meeting together regularly is ideal.
Thank you for sharing your time and talents. The Pathfinders Ministry is a worldwide organization of young people sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist Church, though young people belonging to any church, or no church at all, are welcome and encouraged to join. The most important goal of the Pathfinder ministry is to lead young people into a relationship with Jesus Christ. Pathfinder programming provides members with spiritual instruction along with opportunities for mental and physical education. Pathfinders can provide guidance to help each member live a balanced life in all areas, whether spiritual, mental, social, or physical, just as Jesus did.
Whether your job title is outreach coordinator, evangelism director, chair of the church growth committee, personal ministries leader, member activities leader, or something else, your ministry will include four basic areas:
1. Planning (page 2) 2. Education and Communication (page 6) 3. Recruiting and Training Volunteers (page 8) 4. Ministry Management (page 10). The personal ministries leader needs to have a vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ and a desire to share Him with others. This person also needs to be able to plan, organize, manage, and evaluate outreach projects. He or she must be able to motivate and supervise volunteers. The ability to communicate effectively with church members, other leaders, and the community is also needed.
The goal of prison ministries is for every inmate and his or her family to have the opportunity to know Jesus Christ and be saved. This goal is facilitated through the volunteerism of church members implementing various programs such as worship services for inmates, pen pal friendships, Bible studies, counseling and services to assist inmates and their families upon release. Prison Ministries Coordinator Job Description Prison ministries in the local church falls under the umbrella of the personal ministries department, so communication between the leaders of these areas. The power of Christ can break every yoke of bondage and deliver the soul of every inmate from the iron grip of Satan.
The local church religious liberty leader has the opportunity to serve the church and community by alerting them to developments that may impact religious freedom. Some functions of this church office must be carried out at specific times during the year. Others will be done only upon the initiative of the person selected. The person elected to this office should be dedicated to, and interested in, matters of religious freedom. He or she should also be or become familiar with the fundamental principles of religious liberty and the position of the Seventh-day Adventist Church on church-state issues. The local church religious liberty leader may thus not only serve the members of the local church, but may also become actively involved in religious liberty matters in the community.
The Sabbath School Ministry provides religious education for church members of all ages via bible study guides and material for weekly study and programming on Saturday mornings and other activities. The purpose of the Sabbath School is to make disciples for Christ. It includes the nurture of spiritual growth in members and prospective members, as well as the un-churched who join in the fellowship, study, sharing and service. The Sabbath School exists not only to minister to its members, but to train its members for minister.
The local church stewardship leader has a vital role as a planner and as an educator. As a member of the church board, he or she works closely with the pastor(s) and other church leaders in strategic planning for the mission of the church, and in scheduling and conducting stewardship education throughout the year. He or she also functions as a liaison for the local conference for stewardship materials, presentations, weekend events, and guest speakers. The true ministry of a stewardship leader lies in encouraging believers in the best use of all the resources God has provided, including the management of our abilities, time, body, and material possessions. Local congregations have a corporate responsibility for the stewardship of their personal resources as well as for nurturing, guiding and developing individuals in their understanding of stewardship. Viewed in its totality, stewardship is the management of tangible and intangible resources for God’s glory. In theological terms, it is practical sanctification.
The purpose of the Women’s Ministries Department is to encourage, equip, promote, and challenge Adventist women in their journey as disciples of Jesus Christ and members of His Church and to bring women’s perspectives to the issues facing the Church. Women’s ministries should be ministry-driven. It should be much more than a retreat, a tea party, or an annual Sabbath program featuring women. Women’s ministries is about ministry (service) and making a difference that will count for eternity. Although nurturing and social activities play a part in the overall women’s ministries program, the purpose of such events should be to help meet women’s needs and equip them for service and outreach
As Christians, we are all called to be servant leaders to tell a world immersed in darkness that the ultimate Servant Leader gave all just so He could spend eternity with us. But what does true servant leadership look like? The following article, from the magazine “For God and Country” (Issue 13, Vol 14) produced by the General Conference Chaplaincy department offers a glimpse of what servant leadership might look like!
“You can’t run from your
calling ” – Gary Blanchard
World Youth Director Gary Blanchard shares about how doing a business degree won’t snuff out the calling to full time ministry.