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Post Covid-19 Church Reopening
October 3, 2020 @ 9:30 am - 2:00 pm
We are excited at the prospect of reopening on Sabbath, October 1, 2020. As we prepare and have been preparing we are also urging all those who will be in attendance to observe the following cations and advisories posted here.
Safety measures
Remember, stay home and worship with us online if you…
1) are sick, have a fever, are not feeling well, or have any of the CDC designated symptoms of COVID-19
2) have been exposed to COVID-19 in the last 14 days
3) are at elevated risk for COVID-19 or a COVID-19 related illness
How we’re keeping each other safe
- We’ll take temperatures at the door.
- We’ll provide hand sanitizer.
- We’ll clean before and after each service and connection group meeting.
- Our leaders/volunteers at all age levels will wear face-coverings unless 6 feet from others.
- Worship, Connection, and ministry activities will be configured for social distancing.
- We’ll avoid contact, except when caring for your children.
- In worship, we won’t pass an offering plate. Offering boxes are available throughout our worship venues.
- For preschool and kids, we will serve only pre-packaged snacks. Adults will serve snacks while wearing gloves.
- No food or drink will be served in Adult Connection.
- We’ll create one-way traffic paths where possible.
What you can do
- Stay home if you or anyone in your family in the last 14 days have 1) experienced any of the CDC designated symptoms or 2) been exposed to COVID-19.
- Please wear a mask/face covering, which may be removed when seated/stationary and at least 6 feet from others.
- Maintain 6 feet of distance from those not in your family.
- Wash your hands often and utilize hand sanitizing stations.
- Follow posted safety signage throughout campus.
Victorians have responded well to every challenge throughout this extended season, and we’ll continue to evaluate conditions every week and make safety adjustments as needed. Reopening each of our ministries remains a priority, and we’ll prayerfully move forward when the timing is appropriate. In the meantime, let’s stay close to the Lord, stay safe, and remember that we’re in this together.
Online services continue
We’ll continue to offer online services, so you can worship from home until you feel that it is safe to return. Join us every week from wherever you are
Website: victorysda.church/live
Church App live website: live.victorysda.church
Church App:
Roku TV: Search for V S D A B N (spaces between letters)